Holden, Missouri

 1 Year Contract Packages

Contracts are a One Year Committment that convert to month-to-month at conclusion without a price increase. You can change your package                                                     anytime for no additional fees.  Liberty Link routers are recommended for best experience.

Free installation WITH AUTO PAY OR $99 Basic Installation Fee

 Month-To-Month Packages

No contract packages are month-to-month. You can change your package anytime for no additional fees. Liberty Link routers are recommended for best experience.

$199 Installation fee due at install

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Additional Services

Get More Than Basic Service

Managed Wireless APs


Ensure larger buildings have full wireless coverage with a professional-grade managed wireless access point.

Building-To-Building Bridge


Connect other buildings on your property to the internet with a managed building-to-building bridge.

Public IP Address


Get a public IP for more advanced gaming experiences and network connectivity.

Managed UPS


Ensure your internet stays online during power outages.